IN THE BEGINNING…a group of women committed to embarking on a journey together. The journey would take them through a process that would stretch their beliefs, uncover unresolved hurts, and put them back together again in a way that elevated their sense of being.
This journey was the called the Mind Body Spirit Cleanse.
Founded & coordinated by Business & Leadership Coach, Lisa Thomas, the journey was intended to bring the participants to a higher consciousness, but it did so much more.
As a result of the amazing renewal, the group decided that ALL women should have the opportunity to take this same trip…to discover who they are called to be, to be healed, to be made free.
The Mind, Body, Spirit Cleanse
MIND – When you sit back and think of all of the things you do (or don’t do), have you ever considered the origin of that action (inaction)?
Think of the things that hold you back emotionally, financially & in your relationships.
What can’t you let go of?
Are you spinning your wheels, seeking your “purpose?”
What is the mind chatter that is hindering your increase?
This cleansing process eliminates the clutter and offers you a new way of thinking. You will experience growth in your career, your home, and your relationships.
BODY – As women, we do so much for others, rarely stopping to think about the toll being a chef, chauffeur, housekeeper, nurse, coach, employer/employee takes on our bodies.
How do you feel? Are you sickly, overweight, unhealthy?
Do you participate in some form of physical activity at least three times a week?
Are you giving your body the nutrition it needs?
Have you planned your meals?
During the cleanse, you will commit to taking better care of your body, through exercise and eating right.
You will create your own movement & nutritional plan…one that works for you.
SPIRIT – How often do you truly sit back and enjoy oneness with your Creator?
Do you even know how to experience that oneness?
The spirit is the one part of our being that we often neglect, yet it can bring us the most peace and satisfaction in life.
During the cleanse, you will commit to communing with your spirit through daily journaling and other exercises.
You will learn to listen to and trust your inner voice.
You will harness the power that comes with understanding who you are, and who you were created to be.